Arab Republic of Egypt

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G E N E R A L         I N F O

1.002.450 km²
90.000.000 (estimate 2015)
84 inhab/km²

Presidential republic
Il Cairo (6.500.000 inhab., 13.000.000 urbanization)

Alexandria 3.585.000 inhab.
Giza 2.200.000 inhab.
Shubra el-Khema 710.000 inhab.
Port Said 400.000 inhab.

Arab 85%
Berber and others 15%

Arab (official)
Dialect arab-egyptian

Sunni muslim 90%
Copti chistian 7%

Egyptian pound

NORTH: Mediterranean sea
EAST: Israel and Palestine
SOUTH: Sudan
WEST: Lybia

Jabal Katrina 2.637 mt
Nile 1.550 kms. (Egyptian part, total 6.671 km)
Nasser 5.500 km² (artificial)
Jazirat Shadwan

Arid - mediterranean
Sinai peninsula, wide 58.824 km², is located in Asia

F R E Q U E N T L Y         A S K E D         Q U E S T I O N S

220 V - 50 Hz

P U B L I C         H O L I D A Y

S E C U L A R     H O L I D A Y

Day of liberation of Sinai
Labour day
Day of the evacuation
    (withdrawal of foreign troops and proclamation of the Republic in 1953)
Revolution Day
    (end of the monarchical governament and foundation of the Republic in 1952)
Egyptian armed forces crossed the Suez canal in the war against Israel
Day of Suez victory

M U S L I M     H O L I D A Y

ninth month of the Muslim calendar dedicated to fasting
celebrated at the end of Ramadan
Sacrifice holiday

C O P T O - O R T O D O X     H O L I D A Y

Easter and Monday


State informations service

Tourism in Egypt

Ancient Egypt

Online newspaper
Arab, Chinese, French, English, Spanish

English, Spanish, Russian, German


Arab, English, Fraench

Online since 2001

Last page update May 2024