Reacheanachak Kampuchéa


Surface :
Inhabitant :
Density :
Governament :
Capital :

Other city :
Ethnic group:

Language :

Religion :

Currency :

Border :

Mountain :
River :
Lake :
Islands :
Clima :

181.963 km²
12.492.000 (stime 2001)
69 ab/km²
Constitutional Monarchy
Phnom Penh (920.000 inhab.)

Battambang 40.000 ab.
Khmer 93%
Vietnamese 4%
Chinese 3%

Khmer (official)

Buddhista theravada 95%

New Cambodian Riel

In the NORTH and WEST Thailand
In the NORTH Laos
In the SOUTH and EAST Vietnam
Phnum Aôral 1771 mt.
Mekong 510 Km (Cambodian territory, total 4500 km)
Tonle Sap 1.800 km²
Kaoh Kong
Tropical monson

Links: Tourism in Cambodia

Topics of the country

National newspaper
In English

In English

In English