From: GattoSpadino
To: Amitav Ghosh
Sent: Friday, 9 November 2012 4:58 AM
Subject: Compliments from an Italian reader
Dear Mr Ghosh,
I honestly "discovered your name" only few weeks ago, just by and for a lucky casuality.
While walking in front of bookshop window, a cover photo attracted my vision, Mandalay wood bridge, I entered into shop, read the brief story in back of cover book, and because I have been in Burma few years ago
I decided to buy the book "The glass palace" hoping to be teletransported into Burma again with the usage of memories.
You did even better then just teletransport me in there, I couldn't stop to read the book, and I "drunk" the book in a week-end of full reading immersion.
Same happened with the next book I went to buy, this time in purpose, "The Calcutta chromosome".
So yesterday I went to buy all the remaining books your wrote in block, as I am sure I'll refind the same magical atmosphere, not forgetting the fact that
I lernt lot of things from the fact narrated in these two single books I read till now.
Due to my poor English language I can't avoid to be direct-speeching and focus only to the intention of the mail itself, which is, as per mail-title itself, a Compliments mail.
I want to write and express all my best and warmest compliment for your way of conducting mind-reader of other countries, directly into the dust and smells
and sounds and noises and appeals of Asia. The words written by the drops of your penn-ink, aren't just black words on white paper, these black words draw
on paper a rainbow of colours that vividly and impressively narrate stories.
I just want to write you all my warmest and sincere compliment, for your way of narrating, writing and describing stories.
I honestly can't say I read your books in English, just translated into Italian, but I believe that a translater can provide a good attracting, interesting book only if the provided material has a good, solid, impressive, fantasious, rich soil, and I wished to let you know you have now a a "brand new" close fan from Italy.
Please be kind to forgive my poor English vocabulary, my mail would have been much more longer if written in my native language, so at the end less boredom for you or your personal secretary in reading it.
Sincerely Yours.
From: Amitav Ghosh
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 12:31 PM
To: GattoSpadino
Subject: Re: Compliments from an Italian reader
Dear Luana
Thanks very much for this wonderful letter - I am really glad to know of your response to my books! Would you mind if I posted your letter on my blog (
I will be in Venice for the Incroce conference in March. Maybe you could attend some of the sessions?
With my best wishes
Amitav Ghosh
From: GattoSpadino
To: Amitv Ghosh
Sent: Tuesday, 13 November 2012 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: Compliments from an Italian reader
Dear Mr. Ghosh,
I have no words, one of the few occasion in which someone has been able to let me remain mute and silent for a while. I had your email at work and astonished I almost "jumped" on the chair for the unbelieving eyes while thinking you read what I wrote and that you decided to answer to it.
Do you really mean copy/paste my letter into your blog? wow yes.
.......up to you then the hard "job" to correct all my grammar mistakes and typing mistakes, and shame on me for having done them all.
May I copy your answer into my webiste ? (
I would be proud to take a day off from work to be at the conference in case it is an open public session, if not, could you send me an invitation?
Are you sure about the March date, as per your blog it is written it will be on April 10-13, 2013 Incroci di civiltà (Crossings of Civilizations) Venice
Thanks again for your kind attention
From: Amitav Ghosh
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 1:38 AM
To: GattoSpadino
Subject: Re: Compliments from an Italian reader
Dear Luana
Thanks - yes you are welcome to post my letter on your blog.
And you are right - the conference is indeed in April.
With my best wishes